How did you found us/ Who told you about this? Top-25
Characters name:Starkiller
Planet where you start: Death Star
Job: (Jedi, Sith, Stormtrooper, Wookie, Senator, Smuglar, ....) Sith
Side: (Good or Evil) Evil
Master: (Only Jedi or Sith, you must ask the person if he wants to be your master, Only 1 Master)
E-mail: (recuired)
gianni_v_@hotmail.coomYour Powers: (look by rules)
-Power: 250
-Healt: 200
-Strenght: 150
-Force: 100
-Intellegent: 40
-Speed: 80
-Bp: 0
Items: Red LightSaber -Dmg= 10%
Money: 100
-punch- Dmg= 2% , use= 2% str
-Kick- dmg= 2% , use= 2% str
-Saber Strike- Dmg= 10% , use= 10 str
-Force throwing- Dmg= 5% , use= 5% force